Well-Being Aid
Well-Being Aid
Well-Being Aid Flyer
Let's take care of each other
We are organizing and uniting under tough conditions. The Well-Being Aid (WBA) program is designed to help connect students with resources, referrals, and funds to address their basic needs.
The WBA program aims to support Providence high school students through a mutual aid approach. Mutual aid is when people come together to meet each other’s needs out of solidarity.
The WBA Youth task force coordinates this program. Please apply online if you need support. Your personal information will remain confidential and only be shared on a limited basis with staff who process the requests. Please allow for 2-3 weeks for a response, due to our scheduling limitations, and be aware that funding is currently limited.
Students can apply for support to:
Access food or personal care items
Get help with a family utility bill
Receive a monthly bus pass
…and more!
Additional Resources
Free resources like snacks, personal care kits, and menstrual products are available at our office! Please visit us between 2:15-5:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the school year at 763R Westminster St., Providence, RI 02903 (behind Nice Slice). We can also help you connect with other free resources and local organizations in the community.
Please contact us in one of the following ways to schedule a pick up/drop off for physical resources.