Join “The Huddle”

You’ve probably noticed our obsession with our mascot— penguins! That’s why our passionate and determined group of monthly givers is called “The Huddle”! Our Huddle members are on a mission to build a full-fledged ‘union for students’ in Providence, RI. Dozens of adult allies like you are already huddling up with PSU and our youth members, showing that when we stand together, there’s nothing that can stop us from improving students’ education and well-being. You are an essential part of ensuring that youth can keep leading the change in Providence.

Huddle Benefits

  • Special benefits for our Huddle Drive: Join the Huddle by 12/20 to get a youth-designed keychain, an invitation to a special event for Huddle members, enter to win a limited-edition plushy, and help PSU unlock $5,000!

  • Access to an exclusive adult ally Facebook group

  • Unique communications and updates from PSU students and staff

  • Invitations to special Huddle-only events

  • Volunteer opportunities

  • Surprise PSU merch

Join today!