#Pass/Fail Articles

On this page, you can find articles in relation to our #Pass/Fail campaign.




“Credit/No-credit grading in Providence Public Schools is the only just solution”

“A Providence Student Union petition calling for opt-in pass/fail grading has amassed over 1,600 signatures from members of the PPSD community in the last few weeks. Citing the need for a “more fair and equitable learning scale that is accommodating to everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic,” the petition highlights the home-life barriers we have described as well as the extra challenges that distance learning poses to students with different learning needs.”


“Students push for pass/fail grading system during pandemic”

“How do we make it equal for everyone, regardless of what’s going on at their house, regardless of their situation, regardless of whether their needs are being met?” asked Milly Asherov, a student at Classical High School. “How do we make it so it’s a level playing field?”




“Providence schools virtual town hall addresses grading system, special education”

“Peters said the district has convened a group of teachers and principals to discuss the possibility. He said he has spoken with members of the Providence Student Union, which started a petition last week. As of Wednesday night, the petition has more than 1,500 signatures.”